

  • 5-week course (60 class/lab hours; 40 clinical hours)
  • 周一到周四,早上8点.m. 到下午4点.m.
  • Training is held at the Gadsden State love爱博体育平台
  • Cost: $1,000 per participant (includes tuition, skills/CNA insurance, student manual)
  • 目前不提供经济援助
  • 符合条件的学生可以参加 药物助理 认证考试 (梅斯)
  • Application packets will be accepted in the 技能培训 Office located on the East Broad campus or emailed to skills@lengyileng.com
  • Upon receipt of application packet and required documents (see below), 我们会就付款事宜与您联系.



256-549-8640 or 256-439-6883




  • Attend at least 75% of ALL class and lab hours to proceed to clinical.
  • ALL skills validated with an average of at least 75% to proceed to clinical.
  • ALL exams up to date with an average of at least 75% to proceed to clinical.
  • Attend at least 75% of clinical hours to complete the course.
  • Final exam with an average of at least 75% complete the course.
  • If you are not permitted to attend clinical, you will not be allowed to complete the course.
  • 临床设施的免疫接种
    • MMR免疫x 2或滴度表示免疫
    • Hepatitis B immunizations x 3 or titer indicates immunity
    • Influenza immunization, if in season (October – March)
    • COVID - 19免疫接种或宗教或医疗豁免
  • Two-step TB skin test or negative chest x-ray within 12 months
  • 通过药物筛选和背景调查
  • 目前的劳工统计局认证
  • love爱博临床身份徽章
  • Alabama Nurse 援助e Registry – not appearing on the abuse list
  • 完成所有课程文书工作
    • 类取向
      • 联系信息
      • 学生责任表
      • 背景调查指引
      • 基本功能表格
      • 教学大纲确认表格
      • 保密协议
      • 受感染学生签名页的策略
      • 学生毒品和酒精筛选政策签名页
    • 临床取向
      • 临床着装规范
      • 临床合同
      • 临床地点所需表格

The essential functions below are necessary for health care program admission, 进展, and graduation and for the provision of safe and effective care. The essential functions include but are not limited to the ability to: *

  • 感官知觉
    • 视力(配戴或不配戴矫正镜片)
      • Observe and discern subtle changes in physical conditions and the environment
      • 想象不同的颜色光谱和颜色变化
      • 在不同程度的光线下阅读小字
      •  长时间阅读
      • 阅读草书
      • 在不同距离上阅读
      • 读取监视器/设备上显示的数据/信息
    • 听觉
      • 解读监控设备
      • Distinguish muffled sounds heard through a stethoscope
      • Hear and discriminate high and low frequency sounds produced by the body and the environment
      • 能有效地与他人沟通
    • 触觉
      • 辨别震动, 振动, 脉冲, 纹理, 温度, 形状, 大小, 地理位置和其他物理特征
    • 嗅觉
      • 检测身体气味和环境中的气味
  • 沟通/人际关系
    • 口头和书面, engage in a two-way communication and interact effectively with others, 来自各种各样的社会, 情感, 文化及知识背景
    • 有效的团队合作
    • 独立有效地工作
    • 辨别和解释非语言交流
    • 清楚地表达自己的想法和感受
    • 及时准确地与他人沟通
    • 从计算机获取通信信息
  • 认知/批判性思维
    • Effectively read, write, and comprehend the English language
    • Consistently and dependably engage in the process of critical thinking in order to formulate and implement safe and ethical nursing decisions in a variety of health care settings
    • Demonstrate satisfactory performance on written examinations including mathematical computations without a calculator
    • 圆满完成项目love爱博
  • 运动机能
    • Handle small delicate equipment/objects without extraneous movement, contamination, or destruction
    • 移动, 位置, 转, 转移, 协助起吊, 或在不伤害客户的情况下搬运客户, 自我, 或其他
    • 从任何位置保持平衡
    • 双腿站立
    • 协调手/眼运动
    • Push/pull heavy objects without injury to client, 自己或他人
    • 站, 弯曲, 走, and/or sit for 6-12 hours in a clinical setting performing physical activities requiring energy without jeopardizing the safety of the client, 自己或他人
    • 走路不用拐杖,助行器或拐杖
    • Function with hands free for nursing care and transporting items
    • Transport 自我 and client without the use of electrical devices
    • 自由伸缩、外展和旋转所有关节
    • 对紧急情况迅速作出反应
    • 小范围机动
    • 为病人提供日常护理
    • Coordinate fine and gross motor hand movements to provide safe effective nursing care
    • 校准/使用设备
    • Execute movement required to provide nursing care in all health care settings
    • 进行心肺复苏术和身体检查
    • 操作电脑
  • 专业行为
    • 表达关心, 尊重, 灵敏度, 机智, 同情, 同理心, 宽容, 以及对他人的健康态度
    • Demonstrate a mentally healthy attitude that is age appropriate in relationship to the client
    • 同时处理多个任务
    • Perform safe, effective nursing care for clients in a caring context
    • Understand and follow the policies and procedures of the College and clinical agencies
    • Understand the consequences of violating the student code of conduct
    • Understand that posing a direct threat to others is unacceptable and subjects one to discipline
    • 不要对自己或他人构成威胁
    • Function effectively in situations of uncertainty and stress inherent in providing nursing care
    • Adapt to changing environments and situations k) Remain free of chemical dependency
    • Report promptly to clinical and remain for 6-12 hours on the clinical unit
    • 在适当的时间范围内提供护理
    • Accepts responsibility, accountability, and ownership of one’s actions
    • 及时寻求监督/咨询
    • Examine and modify one’s own behavior when it interferes with nursing care or learning

* The Alabama College System endorses the Americans with Disabilities Act. In accordance with love爱博 Policy, 当请求, reasonable accommodations may be provided for individuals with disabilities.


  1. 应用 through love爱博 技能培训 招生 & 登记.
  2. 附上驾照或州身份证复印件.
  3. 录取通知(5月24日). 课程定于2024年6月27日开始.

技能培训 students are not eligible for federal student aid, but there are funding resources available for eligible students and programs.


  1. Pass a criminal background check and drug test upon admission to the program.
  2. Submit a completed health questionnaire/physical, immunizations, and TB skin test.
  3. Proof of certification for CPR (BLS for health care providers) training.
  4. Demonstrate proof of health insurance per the requirements of the facility.